Re: Re: help about chinese netpage show

thanks John,

the page is not all like that,when loading, the first page look good and all the chinese fonts are ok,but 
when go on drawing,some lines are redrawed and the fonts begain mix-together.if needed I can give a video to 
show what the screen goes on.
and I do not display it on X(X11?).I use gtk on a embedded  linux system with mips cpu.
And I also have another version use WEBKIT(Pukapuka)+SDL+FT2+fontconfig(unuse for some other features), it 
shows good on those netpages.

Best Regards,
Bojie Zhou


#name:Bojie Zhou
#cell: +8615257153199
#hansuntech hangzhou

发件人: John K. Luebs 
发送时间: 2010-07-19  14:47:41 
收件人: 周博杰 
抄送: gtk-app-devel-list 
主题: Re: help about chinese netpage show 
Sorry, I'm not a CJK expert, so I can't give you a detailed answer. But
this may be a fontconfig issue and not a GTK+ issue per se.
You might try searching the web about google chrome CJK font rendering
issues on X.
Good luck,
周博杰 wrote:
Hi,guys.I am using the gtk+ 2.17.0 to suppport  wetkit to get access theinternet。
It works well with small chinese page like andothers,and it work 
well on english netpage too (big or small).but when loading the big page like fonts become terrible bad,nearly all fonts are mismatch and 
the fonts are mingled with eachother.I first double it is the wetkit's problem,
but when I run gtd-demo to show chinese fonts. the page is ok,but after I scroll 
the mice to test fonts redraw,the window become bad again.                                      
So can anybody tell me what's the problem is.or if it is a bug of gtk? does it has 
been solved in newer version?
waiting for your reply.and thanks all for your spirit in open world.
I also test japanese netpage like, and found the fonts are 
mingled with eachother too.

Best Regards,
Bojie Zhou 
#name:Bojie Zhou
#cell: +8615257153199
#hansuntech hangzhou
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