Re: Porting a GTK 1.x application to current version

On Sun, 11 Jul 2010, Fabian Schreyer wrote:

I have to port an old GTK 1.x application from around 2000 to a
current version. The goal is simply making it work on the current
version of Ubuntu.
So I searched Google for a general porting guide, but was unable to
find anything useful, only a hint that there was one around in 2001. I
was finally able to locate this old guid via, but I'm
unsure, if it still applies to current versions of GTK+.

The original guide should be some help but (warning: I haven't
looked at it lately -- if you get a better-informed comment please
disregard this one) I suspect it may not take into account the
fact that a fair amount of the API in early GTK+ 2 has since been
deprecated, and will disappear in GTK+ 3.

Since Ubuntu generally keeps pretty much up to date with GTK, you
should probably be looking towards GTK 3 compatibility. I'd
recommend referring to the old guide, but cross-checking this
against the html API doc for the current GTK release so as to
avoid substituting short-lived deprecated code for actually
obsolete code.

Your situation is a little awkward, since any current guide is
likely to focus on porting from (older) GTK 2 to GTK 3.

Allin Cottrell

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