Re: GTK/GDK equivalent to UpdateWindow() ?

On 4 Jul 2010, at 16:11, Nader Morshed wrote:

I believe you're looking for: gtk_widget_queue_draw()

On 4 Jul 2010, at 15:02, Alexander Nagel wrote:

i'm using gtk_events_pending to realize this.

Thanks guys - but if I'm reading the documentation correctly I don't think either of those calls is quite 
right.  gtk_widget_queue_draw() seems to be roughly equivalent to InvalidateRect() in Windows (i.e. it 
schedules a window to be repainted at some point in the near future - though not necessarily immediately).  
gtk_events_pending() seems to be more useful for ensuring that GUI operations don't get bottlenecked while 
there's a lengthy operation being processed.  Neither of those is quite what I need.  I'm looking for is a 
function that will force a window to be repainted at once, before any other pending events get processed.  


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