Ctrl-click with gtk-x11 on Mac

Hello all,

I distribute an OS X version of my GTK app, using as runtime GTK
2.14 (X11, not quartz native, since I'm not in a position to build
the latter).

I recently noticed that Ctrl-click doesn't work to pop up menus on
a Mac with one-button mouse. Doh, I had that pegged to
GDK_BUTTON3_MASK. So now I peg popups to RIGHT_CLICK, defined

#ifdef OSX
# define RIGHT_CLICK(m) (m & GDK_BUTTON3_MASK)

where "m" represents a GdkModifierType. Fine, so far so good. But
that then disables Ctrl-click as a means of forming a
discontinuous selection. I gather you're supposed to do that via
Command-click on the Mac, and "Command" maybe maps to

So, question: any suggestions on how to enable GDK_META_MASK ->
discontinuous selection on GTK on OS X?

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University

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