buttons in GtkMenus, and GtkUIManager

So I have a bit of a weird request.

I'm creating a menu based on several merged UI descriptions at
runtime, using GtkUIManager.  This part works great.

The problem is that our user experience guys want a sort of
toggle-button-like radio selector at the top of the menu (this will be
for a touchscreen device).  So the first "menu item" will actually be
three buttons arranged horizontally.

I created a simple GtkMenuItem subclass that adds a GtkHBox to itself
with 3 GtkToggleButtons, plus some logic to make sure only one is
selected at a time.  I build the GtkMenu with GtkUIManager, and add my
custom menu item to the top.

First problem: I don't want the big prelight when the mouse moves over
it.  Fine, I just override GtkWidget::expose_event and GtkItem::select
in my menu item subclass.

But now the three buttons don't work.  I don't get a prelight
(somewhat important because our device will have a stylus that
supports proximity), and clicking on them does nothing.  I suspect it
has to do with how GtkMenu does its grabs.  However, if I connect to
motion-notify on my GtkMenuItem subclass, I do get motion events --
actually I seem to get *two* motion events for each mouse move over
any of the buttons -- one with coords relative to the button, the
other with coords relative to the menu item -- the odd thing is that
both of these events are delivered to the menu item (or maybe that's
not odd, given the grab?).

Anyway, I'm a bit stumped at this point.  Any pointers would be
appreciated.  I'd rather not have to write my own GtkMenuShell
subclass, but if people here think that's the best (or least-worst)
way to go, I'll do it.


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