Re: gthreads and file operations

is there any way to listen to signals without calling gtk_main() (which
never returns) ? If so, then i ll be able to get rid of
threads(happily!!).... I am new to glib threads and gnome signals.. i have
just been following examples that i found on the net.

Please help me. My requirement is that i need to listen to signals as well
as run some of my own code. Actually within the signal handlers I am not
executing any code. But libwnck api requires me to listen to the window
signals so that it can update its status of open windows

thanks in advance.

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 11:21 PM, Olivier Sessink
<oliviersessink gmail com>wrote:

Nischal Rao wrote:
the sample code is:

your use of threading doesn't make sense. All your threads are within a
lock, so you have three threads (main + two threads) but they can never
execute any instructions in parallel, because they all wait for the
global gdk lock.

Everything you want to do in this code should be done without threads,
it will have more performance and less complexity.


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Nischal E Rao


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