Re: How does the dialog's default button respond "enter" key

2009/10/7 Simon Chan <simon780 gmail com>:
I think you should connect the "enter" signal to the window instead of
the button.
I think what you mean is, you wanna destroy the dialog whenever the
user press "enter" key, right?

Actually I think this is better.  Closing a dialog using the default
button is named "using the default response". There are several steps
to achieve this:

First you need to set the default response for your dialog with

Then, you need to set your GtkEntry to activate the default response
when they are activated with:

Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to do the same on GtkTreeView.
You will have to connect to the "row-activated" signal and manually
return a response in the handler with

Pierre-Luc Beaudoin

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