Problem activating a column in a row of a TreeView

Hi Guys, 

I am developing a app with Gtk and I have a problem that is driving me mad. 

I have a TreeView with 3 columns, one of these columns associated to a Gtk::CellRendererText. My problem is 
that I want to activate this CellRenderer, saying in other words, I want to put the cursor in this column 
each time I select a row of this treeview.

In a method of the application I get the iterator of the row and the only thing it rests me to do is activate 
the second column (the column I want to be active) but I have not been able to do it .

I have tried this two options, among much more, that I think have to do what I want, but with no luck:


What I'm doing wrong? What I am missing? 

Thanks in Advance,


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