Re: GTK clipboard on OS X

On Sun, 19 Jul 2009, Brian J. Tarricone wrote:

On 07/19/2009 05:48 PM, Allin Cottrell wrote:

GtkTargetEntry rtf_targets[] = {
     { "application/rtf",   0, TARGET_RTF },
     { "application/x-rtf", 0, TARGET_RTF },
     { "text/rtf",          0, TARGET_RTF },
     { "text/richtext",     0, TARGET_RTF },
     { "STRING",            0, TARGET_STRING },
     { "TEXT",              0, TARGET_TEXT }

Is it possible that the Mac clipboard system uses UTIs[1] instead of
mime types to identify content?  Perhaps try "public.rtf" as the target
string and see if that works?

Thanks for the suggestion, but I just tried disabling my "pbcopy"
workaround and adding a "public.rtf" target to my GtkTargetEntry
array. I'm afraid it didn't help -- still got a raw text dump.

Allin Cottrell

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