gtk example "tree.c"


First post. Wish me luck. :) 

I compiled the examples in the gtk library and have been exploring them in order to learn how gtk+ works. 

Subject: gtk+/gtk+-2.14.6/examples/tree/tree.c 

(1) suggestion for improvement 

Based on the declaration of 

static gchar *itemnames[] = {"Foo", "Bar", "Baz", "Quux", "Maurice"}; 

is there any reason that the following can't be used to substitute for the constant 5 in the for loops? 

const gint name_count = sizeof( itemnames ) / sizeof( itemnames[ 0 ] ); 

then , instead of 

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++){...} 

you would have 

for (i = 0; i < name_count; i++){...} ? 

That way if someone wants to add or remove items from the name list, one would not need to change the integer 
values in each for loop that depends on the char arrays. (lower maintenance) 

(2) single / double click ? 

The " select_child " callback is called only when an item is double-clicked, when I would expect a 
single-click would make a selection. Why? (Application called using Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal ( 
$ ./tree) because I wanted to see the g_print( ) output. 

Thanks for your help. 


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