Re: Status Indication GUI development using GTK++

Hi Larry,
            Thnaks for your reply.
As I would be starting the GTK+ development on Fedora Core 6 Linux machine, could please suggest how to 
install GTK+ on aforesaid machine as I haven't done any software installation on Linux lately and also I 
couldn't find step-by-step installation instructions in gtk+ tutorial.
Also I have couple of questions.
1. Is it possible if I could create the image on a windows machine as a JPEG file and then set those image 
files to correspond to gtk image widgets after copying the aforesaid jpeg files to the linux machine from the 
windows machine or I 'ld have to create the images on the linux machine.
2. In the tutorial I couldn't find the reference code to load images as gdkimages and then using 
gtk_image_set_image. Is there any documentation available on-line that specifically talks about the 
creation/manipulation of image objects in GTK+.
Thanks for your help,

--- On Thu, 1/29/09, Larry Reaves <larry yrral net> wrote:

From: Larry Reaves <larry yrral net>
Subject: Re: Status Indication GUI development using GTK++
To: adeelmalik78 yahoo com
Cc: gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
Date: Thursday, January 29, 2009, 8:36 PM

On Thu, 2009-01-29 at 02:56 -0800, Adeel Malik wrote:
        I have just newly subscribed to thie mailing list and wanted to
post a question.
I am doing application development on Fedora Core 6 Linux Machine. I need
to implement the status indication GUI such that it could display a simple
traffic light indication i.e, green light for success and red light for error.
Can someone suggest me a link where I can get an example code doing thhis
type of thing so that I could learn or modify it suit my requirement.

1. read gtk+ tutorial
2. make window
4. add hbox to window
5. add two gtkImage widgets to the hbox
6. create 4 images: dull red (red light off), bright red (red light on),
dull green, bright green
7. load 4 images as gdkImage's
8. use gtk_image_set_image to set the image widgets to the two
gdkImage's you want
9. make a function that swaps the state, call this from your other code
as necessary

There is pretty good documentation out there.  Your two best friends
will be google and devhelp(an application for gtk+ and related
documentation).  If you don't have devhelp, you can search, but devhelp is much more convenient, so I would
recommend taking the time to install it.

-Larry Reaves
<larry yrral net>

Thnaks for your help and regards,
Adeel Malik

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