Windows, Enchant and Aspell


I just noticed Tor has built enchant for Windows [1], great job. Cool.

Being curious whether it works, I installed aspell and two dictionaries
from their Windows installers, I used the default directory C:\Program
Files \Aspell.

Unfortunately and not really surprising, libenchant.dll or better the
provider libenchant_aspell.dll, doesn't find the aspell-15.dll.
Is there any way to tell enchant where to look for the installed aspell
Another problem is that libenchant_aspell.dll looks for
"libaspell-15.dll" but the Aspell Windows installers install a
"aspell-15.dll" (without the lib prefix).

So, after all, how to use enchant with Aspell at all on Windows?

In some other old code, where I used Aspell directly, I used some code
to find the Aspell installation directory from the Windows registry. I
put the code on, maybe it's
useful in some way. Could this maybe be reused for the Aspell enchant
provider or is there an easier way which I don't see?



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