Re: Getting started with gdk-pixbuf (gtk-win32)

After a bit of digging I found a file called 'gdk-pixbuf.loaders' which
contains the paths to the various loaders - but it's the standard file that
came with the gtk-win32-dev package (which I simply unzipped) and of course,
those paths aren't relevant to my system.

Actually, that is a misconception;) I assume you see
gdk-pixbuf.loaders contains paths like:


That path is not even supposed to exist on the end-user, but on the
other hand, in a properly installed GTK+ run-time package on Windows
it doesn't matter.

As long as the *relative* locations of everything inside the
distribution (zip file) has not changed, the gdk-pixbuf DLL will at
run-time find out where it is located, and based on that then find the
gdk-pixbuf.loaders file (in
<DLL-location>/../etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders), and when it notices
that paths in the gdk-pixbuf.loaders file start with the compile-time
prefix (which in my builds is c:/devel/target/<hex-string>, it will
automatically at run-time internall replace that prefix with the
prefix deduced from the DLL location. (The hex string is a MD5 hash of
the packge name and version including "build revision" so it is unique
for each package. Maybe I should add a
"this-is-a-dummy-pathname-dont-worry-it-will-work-fine-" prefix to

So, as was mentioned on the mingw-users list, it is likely that you
have just moved the DLLs and/or config files around from their initial
(relative) locations. (I keep emphasizing *relative*, because the
installation tree as a whole can be moved freely. That is of course
the point with all this.)

If you insist, sure, you can replace the pathnames in the
gdk-pixbuf.loaders file with actual paths to the loader DLLs on your
particular installation. But it is not necessary unless you
deliberatedly have screwed up the installation;)


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