Re: dotted line separating table columns in GTK 2.18

Hi Michael,

Michael Cronenworth wrote:
Create a ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and add

style "no-grid-lines"
        GtkTreeView::enable-grid-lines = GTK_TREE_VIEW_GRID_LINES_NONE

class "GtkTreeView" style "no-grid-lines"

It isn't working for me though. Something is missing.

It doesn't work for me either.

I also wouldn't like a solution that would affect all GTK applications
of that user, I would just like to tune my own. It would be fine if some
configuration file be placed somewhere else where it would affect just
my application.

Besides setting an environment variable, another valid mechanism would
be executing a shell script to configure the GTK environment before
invoking my application.

Thanks a lot,


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