Re: gtkAssistant


The documentation says the first argument should be a page of the
assistant, which I assumed to be a number. What should I be putting in

I'm not sure what documentation you were looking for, but I would
suggest you always have a look at C API reference too, since there are
types of arguments listed.

set_page_complete method expects widget that represents a page, that
is, a widgets that has been added by using prepend_page, append_page
or insert_page methods. If you don't have that widget, you can obtain
it by using get_nth_page method.

For example, to set 3rd page to complete, one would write:

---- CODE ----
page = assistant.get_nth_page( 2 );
assistant.set_page_complete( page, True );
---- CODE ----

Hope this helps.


Tadej BorovÅak
tadeboro gmail com
tadej borovsak gmail com

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