Re: Hiding a GtkDialog and Cancel Callback

Hi, Arne

Well, I'm not sure the Dialog might be Destroyed. How are you call it?
Because if you call gtk_widget_destroy (dialog) this might happen. But
with GtkDialog from XML.... hm I'm not sure. Can you check the same
thing with other (not Cancel) buttons? And the other advice/suggestion
can you try to stop event driving after your callback (to stop do any
additional things after your click).

Best regards,
Vlad Volodin

2009/4/22 arne <arne pagel gmx de>:
I Build my application with glade, also a dialog.

The Dialog is created from xml at startup, but not shown.

If I need the Dialog I show it and if i don't need it I hide it.

In the Callback of the Cancel button of the Dialog I just hide the Dialog.

But If I press the Cancel button,
sometimes the Dialog will be Destroyed (I think) , then I am not able to
show it again.

Strange is, sometimes I get Gtk-Errors when I use the Dialogs Widgets after
that, sometime not.
(Perhaps The Widgets just stay in memory and the widget-functions think they
are OK, don't know how gtk exactly works)

Has someone an Idea?


p.s. all that happens under win32
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