Re: A few quick questions about gtkprint

Oh, the thing is sugar has bindings for the evince classes, which we use as
import modules.
And I will look into it for modules on printing.
Thanks for your time.
If you are on the #gtk+, can you tell me your nick, so I can ping you live
when I am in a glitch :p

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 6:32 PM, Chris Vine <chris cvine freeserve co uk>wrote:

On Wed, 15 Apr 2009 17:48:18 +0530
Vamsi Krishna Davuluri <vamsi davuluri gmail com> wrote:

Thank you again!
Here is the code I was talking about; my code pretty much does the
job of printing .txt files and related mime types,
But I would love to see your code as well.

Our Read activity (sugar apps are called activities) supports a
plethora of formats (let me just check how it draws on screen), okay
it uses the evince library, meaning I should be able to draw to a
Cairo context right? as the underlying lower level implementation
would be cairo if I am not mistaken? (let me make sure that too). Yep
evince uses poppler for pdf, and that cairo as backends.

Mine for text is here:*checkout*/efax-gtk/efax-gtk/src/utils/text_print_manager.h*checkout*/efax-gtk/efax-gtk/src/utils/text_print_manager.cpp

The guts of it are similar to yours, although it has more twiddly bits.

I do not know anything about OLPC/sugar, so I do not completely
understand all your comments about evince, since evince is a
postscript/pdf display application, rather than a library.  The
libraries it uses are as I recall, although it is some time since I
looked, poppler, libspectre and libgs.  If evince is the main display
application for sugar, though, then it already comes equipped with
printing via gtk-print, for which purpose it uses poppler/cairo and in
recent versions libspectre/cairo (I think).


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