Packing a button in a GtkCellRenderer


I have a GtkTreeView with one column, and two renderers - a pixbuf and a string. It looks like this:

ICON SomeRandomString

That part works fine. What I'd like to add is 2 or 3 buttons to each row, so it'd look like this:

ICON SomeRandomString Button1 Button2

Ideally I'd like to be able to put an image in each button, but plain text would get me started. I also need to modify the text in the buttons and conneced to their 'clicked' signals.

Could someone recommend something please? I can't figure out what I'm supposed to be looking for.

A custom cell renderer (as in ) seems to be a lot of work, apparently I have to render the button myself.. but I may be misunderstanding.

Could someone give some advice please?

Thanks in advance,


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