Re: g_spawn_* and Win32

Hi Tor,

On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 1:28 AM, Tor Lillqvist <tml iki fi> wrote:
I would say that if you are writing code to be used
as a Windows service, you presumably will have soem amount of
Windows-specifc code anyway in it, so just use Windows-specific
functions to create child processes and don't even try to do it

It's not hard to abstract away the SCM-related code. I'm trying to
stay away from platform-specific code, but in this case I ran into
these issues (and also the lack of option to prevent the cmd.exe
window from showing).

Do you recall any reason for why that code does not use CreateProcess
and friends? Is it because of mingw or cygwin? If it's not, maybe I'll
take a stab at using CreateProcess and seeing how far can I go.

I'm attaching the code I used to test this;

Apparently attachments are stripped by the mailing list  Please file a
bug instead (GLib, component win32).

Will do.

Marcelo Vanzin
mmvgroups gmail com
"Life's too short to drink cheap beer."

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