Re: glib and Xlib

jaafar EL GONNOUNI escreveu:

What is *glib *adding that the GTK + compared to *Xlib *?

All what is possible with glib with Xlib is feasible, then why create a new
glib is a library to easy programming with the C language. It contains 
data structures, utility functions, and features such as a simple 
lexical scanner, key-value file reading, and more. Gtk+ uses it, and 
both are developed by the same group, but otherwise they aren't related. 
It bears no relation to Xlib in any aspect.
Gtk+ is a windowing toolkit. If we disregard the fact that it is 
cross-platform (and thus can be used in Windows where there is no Xlib, 
for example), it allows one to easily create widgets that have the same 
look-and-feel in all applications using Gtk+, in a much simpler way than 
with Xlib directly. Or even with Xaw. But you're free to design your own 
widgets directly in Xlib and ignore Gtk+ completely, if you fell 
inclined to do that.

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