Re: XML and treeviews

Couldn't you just add another row in the TreeStore for the closing tag?
If <root> is "0" and <node> is "0:0", then inserting a row after <node>
with parent <root> would be "0:1".

The problem doing it in this way is that I've to attach an handler to every
collapse/expand event and I've to show/hide a line for each of those events,
I can do it but I thought there was a cleaner solution like an attribute of
the CellRenderer to change the indent level of a given column item.

Ing. Gabriele Greco, DARTS Engineering
Tel: +39-0105761240 Fax: +39-0105760224
s-mail: Via G.T. Invrea 14 - 16129 GENOVA (ITALY)

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