Re: Console window opening during system() call inside GTK User Interface

Thanks Allin, but now I have a slightly different problem:

I have a GTK base GUI, which takes an exe as input[from a text box entry]
and passes it to a function in a library, where there is a system() call.
So, there is no direct system() call in the GTK call back or main function
itself, GTK simply passes values to the library function, which calls
system(). And here is where the console window pops up.


On Tue, January 15, 2008 7:29 am, Allin Cottrell wrote:
vijayasarathy wrote:

At some point of time inside the UI, I have to get an exe file
from the user, and then invoke the system() call to run the exe as if it
were run from a shell ...

When I invoke the system call from a call back function and run
the exe in windows, the problem is that another console window keeps

Using system() is a very bad idea on MS Windows.  You should see
what glib offers in the way of spawning processes, e.g. at

If you need even more fine-grained control look at the win32 API:

Allin Cottrell

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