Re: Treeview column width changed signal

Jeffrey Barish wrote:
Gorshkov wrote:

You don't have to set the widths again every time you show them. When
the TreeView becomes hidden/not hidden or visible/not visible, it will
have the same properties and values it had the last time it was visible.
The ONLY time you have set those values is when you display/realize the
TreeView for the first time - I do it in my initialization code when I
first create the widget.

I know this.  I am not sure what I wrote that gave you the impression that
this is what I am trying to do.

I just reread the thread and what you wrote to give that impression is
quite clear to me. I suggest you do the same to review what you said and
to re-evaluate what people have suggested.

I'll offer one further suggestion:

In order to determine the column widths, first see if the treeview
exists and if it does, ask it. If it doesn't exist, read the widths from
a file.

Create and maintain the file by hooking the destroy and delete events as
Gorshkov suggested.

Cheers, Dave

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