Re: Treeview column width changed signal

Gorshkov wrote:

I do this exact thing in an application I'm developing now. But I only
do it in one place - a callback routine that is called for both the
delete and destroy events.

Thank you for your suggestions.

I don't get a delete, destroy, or even a hide signal when the treeview
disappears because I switched to a different page of a notebook.  I could,
of course, detect when I change pages of the notebook, but then I am off
plugging holes in the dike.  The problem is that there are ways to get to
portions of my code that read the column-width file in which the treeview
has not been destroyed, so the column-width file has not been updated.  I
suppose that this code will have to extract column widths from the treeview
rather than read them from the file, but then remote portions of the code
will need to be coupled to this treeview.  The file was a neat way to
decouple the code because I need to store the widths anyway.  There is
always a way to get around a limitation of a library, but I still wonder
why the GTK developers are comfortable with this limitation when other GUI
toolkits provide the appropriate signal.
Jeffrey Barish

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