weird i18n problem on Windows XP Home

I've received a strange problem report about the win32 version of 
my GTK app running on XP Home in Spanish on an ACER 1691 laptop 
(setlocale gives "Spanish_Spain.1252").

Window titles are managed by gettext, as in

  title = g_strdup(_("gretl: command script"));
  gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(foo), title);

so when running in Spanish some window titles will contain 
accented characters.  For example, the above becomes 

  gretl: gui\'on de instrucciones

(represented as TeX for email purposes).

The problem is that such windows are not opening, with an error
of "hay una secuencia de bytes no v\'alida en la entrada de 

Many people are running the program in Spanish without this 
problem; there seems to be something about this XP installation 
that is tricking glib.  Any notions what might be wrong?

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC

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