Re: GTK Drag & Filename Drop from other Windows

On Wed, 6 Aug 2008 14:36:53 +0200, "Norbert Schultz"
<norbert schultz pcvisit de> wrote:

when I enable a Widget to receive Drops using drag_dest_set with
target entries STRING, text/plain, text/html,
application/x-rootwin-drop (just copied them from an example) I can
copy & paste text snippets into my widget, from the same Widget and
from others and receive them using the signal_data_received signal.
But what I really want is the possibility to drag in filenames, like
e.g. Gimp does. Currently filenames from Konqueror or the Gnome
FileBrowser are denied. Anyone a tip?
Try adding "text/uri-list" to the target entries.


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