Re: 16 bits grayscale images

On 9/28/07, eman2 agavesys com <eman2 agavesys com> wrote:
I don't think is trivial. Does anyone have a link to any good example
source code for making false color images. In the pat I have just

Here's what I'm using at the moment:

The LUT is one I nicked and tweaked from a medical image. It shows
values below about 10 in shades of dark purple (this is so you can see
any negatives in the image, you need to shift the origin slightly),
then higher values as something like a heatmap.  Images look nice and
the colour range is familiar enough that it's clear to people (usually
anyway) which are the cool areas and which are the hotspots.

Another popular choice is to walk the edges of an RGB cube in a loop.
So you have a red -> magenta gradient, then magenta -> blue, then blue
-> yellow etc. This makes for strong colour differences, but it's not
obvious from looking at the image which parts are hot or cold. So I
prefer heatmaps.


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