Re: GtkTreeModelFilter and GtkTreeSortable

Kristian Rietveld escribió:
See the API documentation here:

To the constructor of gtk.TreeModelSort you want to pass in self.filter
as child model.  Then set the resulting "sort model" as model to show in
the tree view.



You want to wrap the GtkTreeModelFilter you create here in a
Hi again,

I did what you told me, it worked, but I have a few questions:

- I have to create a new GtkTreeModelSort everytime the child model is modified? or it gets resorted automatically? Example:

   fiter = self.sortedModel.convert_iter_to_child_iter (None, siter)
   miter = self.filter.convert_iter_to_child_iter (fiter)
   self.model.remove (miter)

   self.filter.refilter ()

   self.sortedModel = gtk.TreeModelSort (self.filter)
self.sortedModel.set_sort_func (gui.patientsmodel.PATIENT_OBJECT_COLUMN, gui.patientsmodel.patient_sort_func) self.sortedModel.set_sort_column_id (gui.patientsmodel.PATIENT_OBJECT_COLUMN, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) tv.set_model (self.sortedModel)

- About efficiency, everytime I set's the sortedModel to the GtkTreeView it takes a few seconds (like 2 secs) to display it. It takes about the same with both ways, recreating the sortedModel again and ... well... not recreating it (but I don't know if I can do this). There's about 2.000 rows in the model, is this normal? Suggestions?

thanks, Matias.

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