C vs C++ for GTK

Hi Everyone.

Sorry for the flame war bait, I know how passionate language debates get but I need some guidance. I am using PyGTK right now and I am happy with it, but a day is coming soon were the speed limitations and less-then-straight-forward threading will be an issue.

I figure my next move should be to learn C or C++. I would like to stay up-to-date with things and I would like to be able to reuse GTK code from other Apps.

I thought that C++ must be the way to go as it can do everything that C can "plus plus" but some heavy hitters don't seem enthused with it, Linus Torvalds in particular has been quoted as calling it a "horrible language".

I can only spend 8-12 hours a week programming, I am not a professional programmer, is C++ to complicated? Is C going out of date? Am I limited with C?


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