RE: FW: compiling gtk-engines under mingw

Thank you for suggesting that.  I finally got it to compile after realizing
that I was missing the 'dlltool' utility found under the 'binutils' package
of mingw.

This was key to having libtool create the DLLs.  Otherwise it simply was
creating archived library packages.


-----Original Message-----
From: control H [mailto:control h gmail com]
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 0924 AM
To: Karl Reis
Cc: gtk-app-devel
Subject: Re: FW: compiling gtk-engines under mingw

Has anyone been able to successfully compile and create libmist.dll,
libclearlooks.dll under windows?
Yes I have done that a year ago or so, I compiled and used clearlooks
under Windows using mingw.

Libtool generates warnings saying that the shared libraries for gtk,
etc.. are not found.  Indeed, there are only static libraries.
True, libtool fails. Since usually I compile "by hand" I never use
libtool, and therefore I didn't bother finding out why libtool failed.
Instead, I manually adjusted the failed compile/link command. As far
as I remember I just did something like gcc <all object files> -o
libclearlooks.dll or something like that. If you really want to know
what exact command I used I can compile (find out) it again.

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