
On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 17:18 +0800, sunzysjzri wrote:
I want to know how to keep a unique instance of gtk application?
Many thanks

As far as I know, "not portably."

However, a Google search for `gtk application single instance' returns a
number of results, including a GtkUnique library.

On Unix, you could use DBus, Bonobo, lock files and UNIX domain sockets,
or some other inter-process communication mechanism.  If you can depend
on DBus (runs whenever GNOME is running, and perhaps also KDE), then you
could give your app a simple DBus API to check whether an instance is
running and, if one is, wake it up and die rather than starting a new
copy.  The GNOME libs may also have some functionality for this (I'm not
really sure; I just seem to have a vague-ish recollection of seeing that

On Windows, I have no idea...

- Michael

Michael Ekstrand
Research Assistant, Scalable Computing Laboratory
Goanna, compute cluster and InfiniBand network monitor tool:

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