Re: HTML Rendering Widget

On Tue, 2007-03-06 at 23:28 +0200, Alan Lake wrote:
I'm new to the use of GTK+, Glade & libGlade.  I need a widget that will 
render book texts formatted with HTML.  Is there a source that lists 
non-standard widgets that might be downloaded and incorporated into Glade?

Currently there is no such list (and since anyone is free
to create a derived work - any list like that cant be considered
up to date... but whatever, when there are numerous glade plugins
available I'll try to list them somewhere on

Currently people do html rendering using the gecko, you can
use a gtkmozembed widget to embed the gecko in your app, its
a little bit of a shaky road - using the gecko, I sugest you
consult the DevHelp sources as an example (since devhelp is
a really small program who's main function is to display docs
in html, its also written quite clearly and properly IMO).


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