get entry value from child and send it to the parent

Hi everyone,
  this is my first post here, you'll understand it early.

My help request is really simple.

I have to get the entry value in a dialog(MODAL) linked to a menu item.
A button, used to send the value, is also added into the dialog.

Ok let's go. I'd like to use this value to set (or upgrade) a label text present in the main window.

My solutions is not a solution.

static gchar set_name (GtkWidget *, GtkEntry *);

/* We are in the dialog creation function */
g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(button), "clicked",
                         G_CALLBACK(set_name), (gpointer) name_entry);


static gchar set_name (GtkWidget * widget,
                                GtkEntry *entry)
 const gchar * name = NULL;
 name = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY(entry));

 else {
   .... ?? ... how i can manage the label in main window?

 return name;

/* Main window
label = gtk_label_new();

thanks in advance to everyone for the replies.

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