Re: C++ + Gtkmm + Thread + new window

On Tue, 2007-02-27 at 19:57 +0100, Mateusz Szygenda wrote:
I use, gtkmm-2.4 and i'm writing a simple InstantMessager. I created a simple GUI using glademm and everything works fine, but i wanted to open conversation window when someone send message, so i created method which check for new messages and if there is some message it create new "conversation window". I run this method in new thread...and then the problem started. When method call "ConversationWindow" constructor, i receive many errors from GTK. I think method is okay(if i call this method without creating a new thread everything works fine, but app hangs up :) ).

In general, you can only call GTK+ from one thread in your application
(this applies to all its bindings, such as GTKmm, too).  There are a few
things you can do wrapped in gdk_threads_enter and gdk_threads_leave,
but in general, keep all your GTK+ calls in one thread.  If you need
additional worker threads for network connectivity or something, fine,
but they'll need to communicate with your GUI thread using GDispatcher
and/or some thread-safe asynchronous queue mechanism.

You basically have two options, for your situation:
     1. Use threads, offloading communication into worker threads, with
        all the GUI still in the main thread.
     2. Use asynchronous I/O (GLib can integrate this in to your main
        loop, calling functions when data is available or a pipe is
        ready to send) and keep everything in one thread.

Option 2 is probably easier to get right.  Much less can go wrong in
strange ways.  But whichever way you go, GTK+ can only work in one

- Michael

Thanks for that information. I will try this suggestions. I tried to change my code many times...many recompilations, but nice to hear that is no my fault :). One more time, thanks for your answer!

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