Re: combobox internal padding

On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 05:53:55PM +0200, Paul Pogonyshev wrote:
Medora Schauer wrote:
That is very disappointing.  It means the resulting combobox is about
25% bigger (in height) than it needs to be. Besides taking up a lot of
real estate, it is aesthetically unpleasing.

The last statement is sure subjective.  I don't find anything unpleasing
about its looks.

The `wasted' pixels would be probably used when the letters
inside had accents (for instance).  One may want every combo
box to have a different height depending on the text inside
(e.g. shrinking when it contains only lowercase letters such
as acemnorsuvwxz), but I too would not call that
aesthetically pleasing...



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