Re: question about tabs on notebook

ok, will try that


On 2/25/07, Micah Carrick <email micahcarrick com> wrote:
Do you mean which tab is selected by default when the program starts? If
so, before showing the notebook, assuming that the first tab is selected
by default, call gtk_notebook_next_page(). You could also use
gtk_notebook_set_current_page() to explicitly select the 2nd page by
passing 1 as the index.

If you mean that you want the 2nd page to be where the 1st page
currently is, why not just change the glade file?

- Micah Carrick
  Developer |

shawn bright wrote:
> Hello there all,
> i am using GTK and glade to create a front end to our data engine.
> The thing is, it uses a notebook with 4 tabs. Is there any way I can
> change the order of tabs ? i would really like tab 2 to show up first
> when the program is run.
> thanks for any tips.
> shawn
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