Re: gtk.image

On Dec 25, 2007 7:03 PM, Tomas Carnecky <tom dbservice com> wrote:

Your problem is that get_image() does _not_ return the filename, but the
gdk pixbuf for the image - as described in the pygtk reference. So if
you want to get the filename, you have to use another function.

kicking asses without giving an answer is not that useful isn't it?
RTFM is not even adequate in this case because the "FM" doesn't give
an answer on that, would you mind to write a patch for the docs?

the filename is not stored in the GdkPixbuf struct, so I suggest to
set it yourself using the set_data() method (of gobject) and retrieve
it later using get_data().
Unfortunately the python bindings does not wrap the set_option()
method of gtk.gdk.Pixbuf otherwise you could use that which basically
does the same thing as set_data, store a key/value pair.

Gian Mario Tagliaretti

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