Re: gtk.image

brad smith wrote:
thanks for the reply, I tried everything I can think of, but still get
the error.

Your problem is that get_image() does _not_ return the filename, but the gdk pixbuf for the image - as described in the pygtk reference. So if you want to get the filename, you have to use another function.

On Dec 25, 2007 11:33 AM, Tomas Carnecky <tom dbservice com> wrote:
brad smith wrote:
Hello everyone,

I am using gtk.Image() and filling it with set_from_file with a random
I assume you're using the python bindings..

image in a directory. I am trying to use gtk.get_image() to get the
name of the image currently being displayed but I get:
gImage = self.rImage.get_image()
ValueError: image should be a GdkImage or empty

There is a image being displayed when I try to get image name.
Thanks for your time,
RTFM, especially what get_image() returns:

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