Re: applications working on uid 0

chabayo wrote:
...the main problem is the execution of program code suppoesed to processed in uid 0 - system is Linux

The fact: I tried to handle the events in /proc/acpi/events by my own application which integrates gtk handled display interaction.

Because /proc/acpi/events is gid=0 (root) i would have to change the gid of that file, or set the suid bit of an (gtk)executable owned by root.

GTK is not save to run as suid exectutable.

One way is to write a daemon running as root and monitoring
/proc/acpi/events. The daemon is accessable by an IPC mechanism:
Unix/Network Socket, Shared memory, whatever.

The GUI is started by the user with user privileges and connect
to the daemon.

Btw. for me it's also strange, still more a problem, to pop up a window on a Display not owned by myself.

It may be done by getting the ownder of the display, and merging the .Xauthority (keys ever new produced by gdm - why!?), if arrangeable to read.

With the solution mentioned above, there is no such magic required.


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