Re: GtkTextView: Applying tags at the cursor

----- Original Message ----
From: Samuel Lidén Borell <samuellb bredband net>
To: gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 1:49:54 PM
Subject: GtkTextView: Applying tags at the cursor


I'm working on a web site creation software that uses Gtk, Glade and
Python for the UI. I'm using the GtkTextView widget to let the user edit
text with basic formatting but I have a question:

How do I apply a tag at the cursor so that inserted text gets it's
formatting? Right now I surround the cursor with two zero-width spaces
(an invisible Unicode character) and then I apply the tag to the spaces.
This gives new text the right formatting, but it's an ugly solution that
has some bugs...

I'm not sure there you can just add a tag at the current cursor position.  I'm creating the GTK2 bindings for 
the language Pike, and in my tests I created an array of tags that I need to apply at a certain position, 
then I added the text for that position, then applied that tags for that text range.  Something like this:

void insert_text(char *text) {
  GtkTextIter *start,*end,*iter;
  GtkTextMark *mark;

  /* foreach tag */
  /* end */

I fudged on the foreach array iteration.  I have it simpler in pike, but basically the same thing.

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