Re: How do you get the data from a GList?

you can iterate through the list:

node = mylist;
while (next)
   gtk_tree_model_get_iter (treemodel, &iter, GTK_TREE_PATH (node->data));

   /* Gets data in column COLUMN  (zero based) and copies (depending the
type) it into data*/
   gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, COLUMN, &data, -1);

   next = g_slist_next (node);

Be aware that if you modify the model you may end up with a non-valid list
of paths. If you do so, convert the path's list into a list of
Check this:

   Single Linked
, g_slist_foreach)

2006/11/17, Steven Boyls <sboyls tuckerenergy com>:

I have created a GList with the following code :
   GList                     *my_list;
   GtkTreeSelection  *selection;
   GtkTreeModel      *model;

   selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(list_file_treeview);
   model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(list_file_treeview);
   my_list = gtk_tree_selection_get_selected_rows(selection, &model);

The list contains rows of data that were in my GtkTreeView. The treeview
has several rows
and columns. I want to iterate through my_list and work on the data. So
what do I
need to do to get to the data. Example, say one of the rows in my tree
had several columns
of names. How do I access the name in the third column in row two.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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