Re: GObject and floating reference count

On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 11:52:12AM +0200, Hannes Mayr wrote:

I'm a little bit confused about the explanation of the floating 
reference count.

The documentation says about GObject:
"The initial reference a GObject is created with is flagged as a 
floating reference. This means that it is not specifically claimed to be 
"owned" by any code portion."

And about GtkObject:
"The most interesting difference between GtkObject and GObject is the 
"floating" reference count. A GObject is created with a reference count 
of 1, owned by the creator of the GObject. (The owner of a reference is 
the code section that has the right to call g_object_unref() in order to 
remove that reference.) A GtkObject is created with a reference count of 
1 also, but it isn't owned by anyone;"

So, the part of GtkObject says GObject is owned by the creator and the 
docs about GObject itself says it isn't owned by anyone (until 
g_object_sink() is called).

Who is wrong here? Or maybe I unterstood something wrong...

It seems the GObject documentation is wrong (or at least
misleading) and it in fact talks about GInitiallyUnowned
which behaves like GtkObject always did.

Why I'm asking is because I don't know exactly if the following code 
needs a g_object_unref of the GtkListStore, which has as parent GObject 
and not GtkObject.

  GtkListStore *store;
  store = gtk_list_store_new(N_EDIT_TV_COLUMNS,

  gtk_tree_view_set_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tview), GTK_TREE_MODEL(store));

  // is this needed??

Yes, it is needed.


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