Re: Finding widget position in table or box

On Tue, 30 May 2006 11:16:19 +0200, David NeÄas (Yeti) <yeti physics muni cz> wrote:

To put the question simpler: Given a table and a widget within the table
(or box), how can I find the position of the widget within the table (or

To remember where you put it is usually the best solution.

Yes; the reason I'm doing this is that I'm building the interface with Glade and let my application "refine" certain aspects of it.

In the "tables" part of the GTK API I found a section called "Child Properties", and found the properties "left-attach" and so on. I'm not quite sure how to get to these properties. I tried to call

g_object_get_data(old, "top-attach")

on the table's child widget "old", but I only get NULL as result. Or does this only work if I access "old" through the GtkTableChild mechanism?

You can also use something like the attached function (for
tables).  Note however, it accesses the private `children'
field of GtkTable.

Does that mean that this could break in future versions of Gtk?

Thanks a lot,

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