HScroll bar Event...

 Hello all,

I have been working with GTK+2.0 in an graphical application ,now I am encountering with a problem, could any one solve my problem & help me .

The problem is as follows

" In the databox(grid) after zoomed in Y -axis(vertical position) then HScroll bar should move as progress bar with out mouse event... "

             My questions are,

1) What is the event will generate by HScroll bar when we make a mouse click ??.

2) Using box->adjX->value "changed" event i did some experiment using loop, but i could not able to view the ruler,Vscroll and other boxes which are packed with main box.. Why?

3) After end of the loop, every things were fine in position.. ie, exactly calculated moves had done... by expose() functions execution at the end of the loop only. What "event" parameter should i pass to make HScroll bar event would done without HScrollbar events in the expose () member function.. ??

4) Is there any alternate way for make smooth HScrollbar movement without any event generation of mouse click... ??

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