signals stop working

I have an application with several GtkEntry's and a GtkTextView.  I wanted
to put the cut, copy and paste commands in my edit menu with the GTK_STOCK
images and accelerators just for cosmetic value (GtkTextView and
GtkTextEntry support the Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V shortcuts natively).  To
do this I have callbacks containin the commands
gtk_text_buffer_cut_clipboard, gtk_text_buffer_copy_clipboard and

The problem is that since i have accelerators now attached to these
callbacks, the shortcuts like Ctrl+X only work on the main GtkTextView and
won't work on the GtkEntry's when they have focus instead.  How can I tell
the application to simply respond how it normall would and still be able to
use the GTK_STOCK items in my menus (I REALLY don't want to rewrite the menu
code which currently uses the ui-manager commands)?

I thought it would be something like the return FALSE or return TRUE in the
standard delete_event which tells the application to procede with the action
or not.

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