treeview, gtk and mysql


im trying to create an application that uses a mysql database to get its
first a treeview is created from the information stored in one column, than
when I select a row some more information should be displayed
as GTK Labels and a picture is shown for each row.
I have the whole thing working, with a simple treeview generated from data
stored in a textfile.

How should I handle the database connection, i thought i can get the whole
data once and put it into different varibles,
but i havent found a way to extract the data from the rows.
right now im trying to give the select Title to my label display function
and do a query with "Select Info FROM table WHERE Title = "title"",
but i always get Segmentation faults as soon as i try to use a WHERE or
something else in may query.
In the top of my main() i have the connection and i just give the *my to the
functions where the queries are defined.

Please give me some tips how I can solve this problem the best way, I think
having a global structe which i can access via if() or something would be
better than doing a SELECT everytime i need some information.


    MYSQL          *my;

   my = mysql_init(NULL);

   if(my == NULL) {

      fprintf(stderr, " Initialisierung fehlgeschlagen\n");
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
   /* Mit dem Server verbinden */
   if( mysql_real_connect (my, NULL, "root", NULL, "shdf", 0, NULL, 0)  ==
          fprintf (stderr, "Fehler mysql_real_connect():"
        "%u (%s)\n",mysql_errno (my), mysql_error (my));
      printf("Erfolgreich mit dem MySQL-Server verbunden\n");

       /* Hier befindet sich der Code für die Arbeit mit MySQL */
     mysql_select_db(my, "shdf");

//the function that fills the treeview list

void make_list(GtkListStore *liste, GtkTreeIter iter, MYSQL *my){

    MYSQL_ROW      row;
    MYSQL_RES      *result;
    MYSQL_FIELD *field;

    gint i=0;

    char *query;
    query = "SELECT Title FROM table WHERE nr < 107" ;

    mysql_real_query(my, query, strlen(query));
    result = mysql_store_result(my);

      while ((row = mysql_fetch_row (result)) != NULL)
       mysql_field_seek (result, 0);

       for (i = 0; i < mysql_num_fields(result); i++)
         gtk_list_store_append(liste, &iter);
          gtk_list_store_set(liste, &iter, STRING_SPALTE, row[i],-1);




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