Re: Memory allocation using g_malloc

On 5/30/06, 3saul <saul_lethbridge hotmail com> wrote:

Thanks for the response. Let me elaborate a little. I have a list of files
a dir (without knowing how many)


I want to be able to put the names of the files into an array so that I
refer to them later like this

array[0][0] = a.txt
array[0][1] = b.txt

and so on...Perhaps there is a better way to go about this but this seems
good a way as any to me.

You should probably use the GPtrArray.  And as you iterate through your list
of files you can do g_ptr_array_add( my_array, g_strdup(filename) ).

To iterate through the array you do:
for( i = 0; i < my_array->len; i++ )
   g_print( "%s", g_ptr_array_index(my_array, i) );

Don't forget to free the filenames stored in the GPtrArray.

Greg Suarez

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