Re: glade begginer - callbacks.c

nuser wrote:


 my application is writen in c, and I use a file for the functions, another one to hold the several structs 
are being used (using typedef), and the functions prots.
 another "application" uses these "methods" to manipulate data. so in the other source.c, in the main() function i 
declared the pointers to those custom data types (the structs), and include the header file I wrote. this way all the "menu" 
options know that those functions I tell them to run, and the data types I give as args, they exist somewhere.
 my problem, i use anjuta and open glade from there when I need to edit something on the GUI. I don't know 
yet what each file does on this default template glade uses to save projects (on anjuta i started a GTK2 APP 
on the wizard). where should i put:

    I think some of your questions might be better suited to the
anjuta team... I dont know much about anjuta but I have a sneaking
suspicion that you are generating code with glade: Dont.
(this suspicion is spirred by your email title: "callbacks.c" is a file
typicly generated by glade).

Basicly you can put whatever code in whatever file makes sence to you
according to your ingenious and artistic design, pointers to the widgets
you created with glade should be retrived with glade_xml_get_widget() at
initialization time and then passed by reference via callbacks or stored
in some other way.


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