Re: platform support

On Sat, 2006-07-15 at 23:19 -0400, Allin Cottrell wrote:
[big snip]

I completely agree with Allin in his view of the GTK+ toolkit.

The alternative is running the X11 version on OS X, 
which is quite doable but requires quite a lot of setup.

Fortunately, there some quite good package distributions that drives the
effort to a bare minimum, being reasonably easy to setup GTK+ on OsX
right now.

It comes to my mind the Fink project, .

I've compiled some Linux developed GTK+ applications on OsX
 with fink's GTK+ packages, with success in all cases.

There are some other library stacks that let you use GTK+ on OsX as
OpenDarwin's DarwingPorts, reachable at .

With those distributions being quite mature, and the forthcoming of the
native GTK+-cocoa port, the future of GTK+ on OsX is not just bright but

Just a counsel if you're going to develop multi-platform GTK+ apps: glib
is your best friend, use it as much as you can. 

Iago Rubio
Iago Rubio

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