Re: When packing widgets, what is the difference between "box" and "table "

Box is one dimensional, either horizontal (hbox) or vertical (vbox)
and the widgets are packed in the beginning or the end of them.

Table is two dimensional and widgets are packed by specifying the
coordinates of the four sides to which the widget is to be attached.

You can also get two dimensions by recursively packing several boxes
inside one another, but it is not the same as a table, as the
constraints of a table is that all cells belonging to a column have
the same width AND all the cells belonging to  a row have the same


On 7/4/06, chao yeaj <yeajchao gmail com> wrote:
Hello, everyone
       First ,i am sorry for my terrible  English.

       When packing widgets ,we can use the box widget or the table
widget,but what is the difference ?
       when many widgets packed to the box or table,how to  modify the
"tab order" of those packed widgets ?

        Any hint would be much appreciated ,thank you in advance
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